Other companies operating under the name of ICONTRAVEL request some of your personal information (name, surname, age, e-mail, phone, etc.) in order to provide better service to their customers.

The statistical data that can be obtained from this collected personal information (browser type, geographical location, age, gender, etc.) is used by other companies operating under the name of ICONTRAVEL in periodic campaign studies, e-bulletin studies, designing special promotional activities for customer profiles and “customer classification” studies to prevent unwanted e-mails from being sent.

Other companies operating under the name of ICONTRAVEL do not share the information they collect from membership forms with third parties without the knowledge or instruction of the member in question, do not use them for commercial purposes for any reason other than their activities and do not sell them.

Other companies operating under the name of ICONTRAVEL analyze and interpret the visitor movements and preferences they follow during the use of the site, in addition to the personal information requested in the e-mail addresses and membership forms. This statistical data, which does not contain personal information, is used to provide guests with a more special and effective reservation experience.

If you want to leave the ICONTRAVEL e-bulletin list, you can click on the “If you do not want to receive this bulletin again, click here” link at the bottom of the e-bulletin.

Customer information can only be disclosed to official authorities if this information is requested by official authorities in accordance with the procedure and in cases where it is required to make a statement to official authorities in accordance with the provisions of the mandatory legislation in force.

Only the customer can access all the information entered by the customer into the system and only the customer can change this information. It is not possible for anyone else to access and change this information.

Your credit card information requested on the payment page is received with the 3D Secure application in order to keep the security of our guests shopping on the site at the highest level. In this way, all transactions for payment are carried out between the bank and your computer via the interface. However, despite this, it cannot provide a guarantee on security issues.

Due to the structure of the internet, information can circulate on the internet despite sufficient security measures and can be received and used by unauthorized persons. This use and any damages arising from this use are not the responsibility of other companies operating under the name ICONTRAVEL .


For questions regarding the privacy policy, you can contact us using the contact information below.